Zoe Slater CEO Freedom Choice Academy

"Be More, Give More, Have More" Zoe Slater

Who is Zoe Slater?

Zoe Slater is a qualified Counsellor and a registered member with the ACA and QCA and is the CEO of Freedom Choice Academy. For over 20 years, Zoe have been working with professionals using her unique processes to transform their lives from stress to success. She is an experienced Facilitator and Master Coach and has been running personal development workshops and retreats since 1999. Zoe offers both quality counselling (cleaning up the past) and coaching (creating the future) to give quality care for fastest and better outcomes.

It’s taken Zoe Slater over 20 years to be here with you today. It had to take that long for her to gain experience of client’s issues… to find enough solutions… and to get enough results when it comes to sharing her knowledge and skills to transform people’s lives from stress to success.
Zoe has had incredible results like helping stressed out professionals turn their business around from near bankruptcy to making over 6 figures within a couple years. So, if you were to say that she is an expert counsellor and coach, we would agree.
Out of all the people who try and pitch you on helping you to achieve less stress and more success in your business, maybe 1 in 20 will actually be an expert coach.
The rest will be pretenders. Trying to cash in on the industry. But never having worked with close to 2000 professionals and business owners across the world. Experience which can solve your problems in an instant.
Even if you find one that has some results, he or she will maybe know how to do a part of the process, but they won’t have been able to work at the deep level of consciousness that is needed to shift the limiting beliefs that is holding many professionals back.
They won’t have had to know what its like to save someone from the brink of suicide and bring success and joy back into their lives.
They won’t have had to work with someone who is heading for the divorce courts and guide them through their most painful decisions and consequences.
This is what it takes. Because it’s hard out there. And that’s where Zoe makes a difference.
Zoe has created her own programs using her unique proven models and processes. She markets her own programs. And she delivers her own programs.
Zoe hasn’t just started a Facebook account and written “CEO of Freedom  Choice Academy” in the profile. That’s what a lot of people do these days on the internet.
What you want is someone who can give you the proven strategy, a roadmap to turn your stress into success and help you get back to the top of your game. You want a qualified, experienced guide who can help you re- create your business and relationships so that they are filled with confidence, passion, and freedom.
Today Zoe only lets the most suitable people into her programs. Again, this sort of experience is what will protect you too and help change your life dramatically.
Zoe is looking for professional business owners who want to:
  • Make decisions fast
  • Improve their confidence
  • Create a clear vision and Purpose
  • Make conscious choices
  • Have less stress
Many people love what Zoe does.  People like Paul who quickly destressed which enabled him to deliver corporate presentations again to the directors and was able to rebuild his relationship with his ex-wife so that an amicable strike a new financial arrangement could be achieved.
People like Sandra who achieved doubled her salary within a couple of months by re positioning herself for de-stressing and increasing her confidence, re focusing.
People like Frank who was able to shift his limiting beliefs about his speaking abilities to take him from a local speaker to a global speak.
These people have certain characteristics. They’re hard working. They don’t make excuses. They’re coachable. And they’re committed to transforming their lives.
So, if you have some or all of these qualities, then Zoe knows how to get you to the outcome you want.
Zoe offers you complete transparency, as someone who helps her students LIVE weekly, answering every question that comes their way.
Zoe has a unique proven model and processes that you can use to get to where you want to go. Which means you can turn your stress into success and get back to the top of your game.
And everything also comes with a money-back guarantee.
So, rest assured that no matter what others promise you, when it comes to creating the results you really want, Zoe’s help will get you there faster. And if it doesn’t, then it won’t cost you a cent.
Best of all, everything is made simple to understand.

As Seen

Zoe is open to interviews and works in partnership with Corporations

Zoe Slater "The Brokers Wife"

Zoe Slater and Geoffrey Slater have been married since 1996 and they've been together since 1993.

Together they have raised 3 beautiful children and are owners of 2 protective Merrimer dogs.

Geoffrey has been Mortgage Broker since 2002, so Zoe knows only too well the mind, the life and the daily challenges of a Broker.

Zoe Slater is "The Brokers Wife" and has over 20 years of experience as a Counsellor and coach, working with Finance companies and individuals in the Finance and Insurance world.

Contact Zoe


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