Gain Emotional Freedom & Clarity

“ The suffering of man is a necessary part of growth ... however ... prolonged suffering is the stupidity of man " Buddha.

Conscious freedom is an empowering choice. It improves the satisfaction gained from each experience and the overall meaning of your life.

  • Are you ready to regain control over your life?
  • Are you ready to look forward to your day and let go of the pain from yesterday?
  • Are you sick of the hurt and tears?

If you answered, yes to the above, you are ready to experience a unique method called ECR Emotional Cell Reordered. This method works at a deep level to heal your sabotaging patterns, blind spots, success blockers and biases.

The results are fast and long lasting to create sustainable success in all areas of your life.

If your run down, sick and tired of the situation, upset or annoyed enough to change, then now is the time. Read a few of my clients testimonials then reach out and contact me


Here's What K Says About Zoe's Counselling & Coaching ...

After browsing Zoe's website and reading about her unique ECR Way methods I knew from the very first minute after I spoke with Zoe to book in my first appointment that she had the confidence and tools required to help bring about change in my life.
I was spending far too much time and energy desperately searching for a way to feel resolved about a particular issue that had caused me to feel depressed & without energy for far too long.
Zoe did not waste any time and got straight to the point. She was with me the whole way intuitively guiding me back through the pain that I was experiencing and helping me to release that pain, completely let go and            move forward.
To say that I'm a happy client would be an understatement because I'm completely astounded & amazed still by the results and the positive impact that working with Zoe has had on my life in only 3 sessions. Nothing is holding me back now, I've got boundless amounts of energy, feel happy, confident and am living my life in the flow and with ease more than I ever have before, and I'm absolutely loving it!

Thank You so much again Zoe for your kindness & support.


Here's What T from Brisbane Says About Zoe's Counselling & Coaching ...

Zoe was recommended to me to help resolve an issue stemming back to my childhood. I went to see her purely for that issue and within the first five minutes of seeing her, divulged a “secret behaviour” that I had no intention of talking about. Zoe not only helped me resolve my childhood issue, she helped me to see that I am worthy, strong and capable of doing anything I set my mind to. 

Zoe’s use of ECR Way is an amazing thing to experience. I have gained confidence and self esteem through working with Zoe. Her kindness, caring and non-judgemental attitude towards me was so comforting it allowed me to open up and resolve issues which had caused me to live in depression for longer than I had realised. 

I am now free from anti-depressants, free from my self-destructive behaviour and ready to live my life for myself as the woman I was meant to be. I now have PLANS! These words seem not enough but I thank you Zoe from the bottom of my heart. You have set me free...

T from Brisbane 

Property Developer 


Here's What Rob Says About Zoe's Counselling & Coaching ...

People always tell me things happen for a reason!

I had depression for many years (after divorce) and finally I said to myself "you need to see someone about this".  I did not act immediately (as blokes do) and instead started to focus on a very old goal I had which was to obtain a motorcycle license but did keep saying to myself "I was ready to find a counsellor". 

Well it so happened I was getting into my car at the Motorcycle Training and the sign on the car next to me suggested this person may be someone I should speak to. I introduced myself to Zoe and within the week I was having my first one on one session

Honestly for years I had totally believed "no-one can help me" I certainly was never keen on seeing a professional. I have read a lot about professional counselling and was very aware that you "must find the right counsellor" and frankly I can truthfully say I did not only find the right counsellor I found a fantastic one. 

Zoe is the most professional, friendly person I have ever met and made me feel comfortable and at ease allowing me to tell my story and importantly keep my "thoughts" on track and focused.

Zoe guided me towards a place I never thought could be achieved. I don't like admitting it was a very emotional draining experience but for me it worked so well and can’t recommend Zoe highly enough.



Who is Zoe Slater?

Zoe Slater is a qualified Counsellor and a registered member with the ACA and PACFA and is the CEO of Freedom Choice Academy.

For over 20 years, Zoe has been working with people who want to better their life by improving their conscious mind emotionally and mentally.

Many Business Owners, Corporations and EAP's value Zoe's holistic Success Model, an innovative self improvement model and system. It's the only one of it's kind in the world that runs true for individuals and corporations. 

Transforming their lives from stress to success. 

Zoe is an experienced Facilitator and Master Coach and has been running personal development workshops and retreats since 1999.

Zoe offers both counselling (cleaning up the past) and coaching (creating the future), quality care for fast results.

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Here's What Wendy From Canada Says About Zoe's Counselling & Coaching ...

I discovered Zoe Slater at a pivotal point in my life where I was struggling to find a balance between work, home and relationships.

Zoe’s “out of the box” approach has been exceptionally effective and the method "ECR' she has perfected. It has kept me coming back whenever assistance is desired for processing new challenges and creating greater goals for career and personal growth.

Although I now no longer live locally to Zoe, she has accommodated my relocation to Vancouver, CANADA with ease and even through my initial hesitation; Zoe has managed to again adjust my perceptions of her capabilities with her extraordinary intuitive and perceptual abilities.

In the time that I have known Zoe, she has managed to counsel & coach me through required changes to vacate an old profession to a reputable business owner.

Anyone seeking to make any changes in their life no matter what aspect, large or small, Zoe’s talents and skills make her an extremely valuable asset to incorporating any changes thoroughly and with longevity. She walks with you, every step of the way.     

Wendy, Business Owner  


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